24 February 2022

Greenhouse Update

We had a number of storms blow through the area and green house, this wind cased the hot house to shift about and I suspect my repair efforts ensured further damager than if I had let the structure continue to wallow.


23 February 2022

Wots It Good For?

Watch this
17 February 2022

Greenhouse Repair


14 February 2022

Resplendent Voluminosity

When all you want is the time, and have no time for dealing with the machine that displays it, you seek an elusive quarry. There have been many compelling time pieces previous to now, but the current crop betray succinct presentation and crowd the possible and probably into the real estate of desire.

The fine people at Watchy have put together a general wearable time keeping computer with many cool features. I think they are very close to a general solution but save for durability, input reduction and elegance.

  1. The board should fit into the case, a smaller board without loops
  2. The case should be back loaded stainless steel with a press fit back plate. USB access could be here for hacking”
  3. No accelerometer, steps are secret
  4. Solar / light power source
  5. Two buttons max, low precision intervention, time zone, acurate time is set
  6. Atomic / radio signal time setting

These demands being met, would leave the wearer with much of what is presented. As the project is open source there are few barriers in the way of achieving this goal.

Read this watch
5 February 2022

Theoretically, Socially Critical Cinema

3 February 2022

Nerd News

I used a cut command to clean a text file of exteranious column data

cut -c 32-125 thelist.txt > newlist.txt

and output a new document. Mentioned here to prevent forgetting how to do it the next time a list of files from S3 reqires a scrub.

Check it out
1 February 2022

Concerts Attended in the Uk

They Might be Giants
The Besnard Lakes
Music Go Music
Belle and Sebastian

HydePark={ArcadeFireBeirutTheVaccines Hyde Park =

Tickets on hand:
Wet Leg

Check it out
29 January 2022

Happy Chicken
