20 March 2018

Yo Ryde

You are measured; height, mass, leg, thigh length, arm length and elbow position. This is accomplished by recording a video of the future rider holding an object of known length and doing a special, bike ordering dance. A discount is provided if the dancer gives permission for the video to be used for marketing purposes.

The video is proceeded and the rider measurement data is extrapolated.

A survey concerning previous bikes is provided and completed.

Styles and sizes and paint options are also noted.

The terrain around where you live is discussed and measured: roads, the age of the roads, the climate and any plans to move.

Discussion about future rides. The prefect bike is proposed and any element on the design is flexible. On acceptance of the terms and details, the bike is made as close to the rider as possible.

A bike is made for the one and single person with their name the down tube and a bust of their 3d scanned face is fixed to the head tube. The serial number is their full name, shoe size and favourite tune, joke or lucky number.

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